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03 Apr 23

The Evolution of Product-Led Growth: A Conversation with Kyle Poyar

This post is the tl;dr of the second episode of the June Podcast. In this episode, we look into a conversation between Enzo Avigo, CEO of June, and Kyle Poyar, Partner at OpenView. Today's topic is product-led growth (PLG). The focus is on its integration with other strategies like sales-led growth, and the challenges faced by companies adopting this approach. In this blog post, you'll find valuable insights on PLG metrics, strategy, and examples that highlight the power of a well-executed PLG approach.

The Evolution of Product-Led Growth

Kyle Poyar dives into the evolution of product-led growth (PLG) and how it has transformed the software industry. Kyle explains that PLG emerged around 2010 as a response to the changing customer expectations, driven by the consumerization of software and the shift to cloud-based solutions. This new approach focused on providing a delightful user experience and enabling customers to try before they buy, allowing businesses to reach a broader audience.

They discuss the differences between product-led growth and sales-led growth, highlighting that PLG relies on the product as the main driver for customer acquisition and expansion. On the other hand, sales-led growth is more focused on traditional sales and marketing efforts. However, both approaches can coexist and even complement each other, especially in cases where a business scales up and targets enterprise customers.

As for product-led growth metrics, Kyle emphasizes the importance of measuring user activation, user retention, and the conversion rate from free trials to paying customers. These metrics help businesses understand how well they are executing their PLG strategy and identify areas for improvement.

Kyle also discusses the importance of product-led growth examples to illustrate the potential of this approach, such as Slack, Zoom, and Calendly. These companies have successfully leveraged their product experience to drive growth and generate impressive results in their respective industries.

Balancing PLG with Traditional Sales and Marketing

Kyle discusses the key elements of building a successful product-led growth (PLG) strategy. They highlight the importance of focusing on user experience, ensuring that the onboarding process is smooth, and continuously iterating on the product based on user feedback.

One crucial aspect of a PLG strategy is the freemium model, which allows users to try the product without any financial commitment. This model enables businesses to attract a larger audience and create opportunities for user engagement, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates. The discussion emphasizes the need to find the right balance between offering valuable features for free while still providing incentives for users to upgrade to a paid plan.

Kyle also addresses the role of marketing in a PLG strategy, highlighting that marketing efforts should be aligned with the product team to create a seamless user journey. They suggest that marketing should focus on promoting the product's value proposition and ensuring that potential users are aware of the benefits they can gain from using the product.

Snyk’s Open Source Vulnerability Database makes for a great example.

In terms of sales, they argue that while PLG reduces the reliance on traditional sales efforts, it doesn't eliminate them entirely. Instead, sales teams should focus on closing deals with enterprise customers and upselling existing users, complementing the product-led approach.

Throughout the conversation, Kyle provides examples of companies that have successfully implemented PLG strategies, such as Atlassian, Shopify, and Notion. These companies showcase the power of PLG in driving growth and achieving market success.

Implementing PLG Successfully and PLG Metrics

Kyle then discusses the need for understanding user behavior and engagement within the product, as well as measuring metrics that reflect the value users are getting from it. Key metrics to consider include activation rate, retention, conversion rate, and customer lifetime value. It's crucial to track these metrics over time to identify trends and areas for improvement.

Kyle also highlights the importance of segmenting users based on their behavior, needs, and preferences. This segmentation enables businesses to provide more personalized experiences, helping drive engagement and conversion. They discuss examples of how June uses segmentation to better understand their users and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly.

Another important aspect of PLG metrics is experimentation. Kyle stresses the need to test and iterate on product features, messaging, and pricing models to optimize the user experience and improve key metrics. They provide examples of how A/B testing can help businesses identify the most effective strategies for driving growth and engagement.

Throughout this part of the conversation, Kyle provides practical advice for businesses looking to implement a PLG strategy, emphasizing the need for a data-driven approach to decision-making and continuous improvement.

Positioning vs. Actual PLG Motion Inside a Company (and PLG Examples)

In the final section of the conversation, he discusses the differences between product-led growth (PLG) and sales-led growth approaches, as well as the role of positioning in a company's growth strategy.

They agree that PLG focuses on putting the product at the center of the value proposition, while sales-led growth emphasizes a more traditional sales-driven approach. He highlights that both approaches can coexist within a company, and the choice between them depends on the target market and business objectives.

The conversation moves on to the importance of positioning and how some companies may adopt a product-led positioning without fully embracing a PLG strategy. He gives the example of Retool, a company that appears to be product-led but has actually started with a sales and enterprise focus, gradually shifting towards a more PLG approach.

Kyle emphasizes that it's crucial for companies to align their messaging and positioning with their actual growth strategy. They share examples of companies that claim to offer a free trial or self-service option but, in reality, require users to fill out lengthy forms or contact sales representatives.

In conclusion, this part of the conversation highlights the need for a genuine and consistent approach to growth strategies and positioning, ensuring that companies deliver on the promises they make to their users. By doing so, businesses can build trust and credibility, ultimately leading to long-term success.


This conversation between Enzo Avigo and Kyle Poyar provides valuable insights into the world of product-led growth and the challenges faced by companies adopting this approach.

It emphasizes the importance of striking a balance between PLG and traditional strategies, ensuring genuine self-service experiences, and aligning various functions within the company to support PLG.

By understanding product-led growth metrics and learning from successful product-led growth examples, businesses can better navigate the complexities of implementing a PLG strategy.

To connect with Kyle Poyar, follow him on LinkedIn or subscribe to his newsletter, Growth Unhinged

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