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04 Jul 22

New Pricing, July 2022

After 18 months of development, the product has matured a lot, but our pricing hasn't. We've now decided to update our pricing based on our learnings.

This will help us become the tool you can rely on for the next 10 years.

What is changing?

Our free plan used to include up to 1M events per month. However, we noticed that the number of events does not correlate with the value you are getting from our product. Instead, it's more tied to the amount of identified users you have.

We also noticed that it’s very hard to have an idea of how many events you might have at the end of the month, whereas the number of users you’ll have is easier for you to predict and budget for.

For this reason the new threshold will be based on the number of your Identified Monthly Active Users (MAU).

We want to help you build a better product and grow. So we’ll only charge for your monthly active users and not for the visitors to your site.

This new pricing will come to effect on the 4th of July, 2022.


  • Our Free plan now includes up to 1.000 MAUs per month
  • If your number of Monthly Active Users decreases below 1.000 and you decide you don’t need company-level analytics, you can downgrade to the free plan. No questions asked
  • Your anonymous and identified users can send as many actions as they want, you’ll only be charged based on your number of identified Monthly Active Users (MAU)
  • Your Free June plan will continue to include unlimited analytics, unlimited seats, access to all integrations (Segment, Freshpaint, Slack integration, etc), and to our 15+ templates so you can start analyzing quickly
  • You can still upgrade to the Growth Plan if you are below the threshold but you want company-level analytics (Company Retention, Company Funnel, Most Engaged companies etc)
  • You’ll get one-on-one coaching sessions with us to get the most out of your data

If you have more than 10K MAU please reach out to us at founders@june.so 😊

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