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Enzo AvigoCEO and Co-founder at June
Ferruccio BalestreriCTO and Co-Founder at June

11 Jan 24

Magic companies 🪄

The lens with which we look at the world impacts the perception we have of it.

We found that this is particularly true for product analytics.

Product analytics tools started over a decade ago during the golden age of mobile apps, such as Uber and Shazam.

Since then, product analytics helped B2C teams understand complex product behaviours in order to improve their products based on data.

However, B2B SaaS was on the rise...

Founders from all over the world realized that they could improve people’s lives by building world-class software in the work environment as well.

As this revolution took off, product analytics tools didn’t catch up, unfortunately. Companies like Slack saw 40% of their revenue come from less than 1% of their customers.

Product analytics struggled to differentiate a "user" from a "company". This was the important lens.

Add-ons were later added to try to solve this problem but they felt like band-aids - incomplete, and pricey solutions. 

This changes today.

We're thrilled to announce Magic Companies 🪄 

With Magic Companies, June tracks companies for you, the right way and automatically. 

Similarly to CRMs, June groups your users using their domains. It filters out your employees to get rid of bias and lets you merge domains if needed.

With companies automagically generated, you're getting access to:

  • Rich company profiles
  • Account-level analytics
  • 1-1 mapping with your CRM

... all of this, out of the box.

We’ve spent months rethinking our data models to make this possible. We pushed hard to go beyond ancient product analytics conventions because we understood the importance.

Today, "companies" finally become the new default view in B2B product analytics.

Enjoy your new superpower!

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FROMWhat the f***
TOProduct Market Fit