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Enzo AvigoCEO and Co-founder at June

05 Apr 23

June AI + 2 more things

Today we’re excited to share 3 updates:

  1. ✨  We're introducing June AI
  2. 🦸‍️  Some of our heroes joined as investors
  3. 🆕  We’re opening new roles

✨  Introducing June AI

Product analytics was complex, so we made it easy.

As time went by, our customers told us that they loved our simplicity, but they also wanted more flexibility.

What if they want to know how many users they have on average per company. Or which users didn’t use their product this week, but did last week.

These questions were very specific. June simply couldn't answer them.

A startup gets a great level of flexibility when it writes its own SQL queries. But like any language, SQL needs to be learned. So we imagined what it would be if June could write SQL for you.

Introducing June AI - The only way to answer product questions using your favorite language: English.

Write a question about your product in plain English.
June AI returns the answer and the right visualization for it.

You can view and edit the SQL query if you want, and save your favorite queries to make them available to your team.

Using GPT-4, June AI provides anyone the power of SQL, with the familiarity of writing prompts in plain English.

To join our beta, sign up to June and opt-in in the product. We're rolling out invites every day.  

We can't wait to see what you do with this!

Together with this news, we have another exciting announcement. Some of our heroes joined as investors.

🦸‍♀️ Partnering with our product heroes

We're a small and nimble team, but we have huge ambition.

Two years ago we raised a Seed round led by Point Nine and we've been working hard since then to build a product that people love.

We’re building June because we believe anyone should have access to their product data, and be able to act upon it.

This year we're hitting an inflection point as a company. As we enter a new phase of growth and expansion we wanted to make sure we had the right people supporting us.

That's why we decided to partner with some product heroes. Product minds we look up to the most.

Here's a little more about them and why we're excited to have them as new investors.

Des Traynor is the co-founder of Intercom. The company where I met my co-founder Ferruccio. He's a huge inspiration for us and has always supported us as we were starting June. So we're happy to finally have him as an investor.

Ryan Singer was on the founding team of Basecamp. He has 20 years of experience building products and wrote Shape Up, a book that had a huge influence on how we build products. Both during our time at Intercom and now at June.

Bob Moesta is the co-creator of the Jobs To Be Done framework with Clayton Christensen. Bob has been a mentor and advisor for both Ryan and Des in some critical moments for both Intercom and Basecamp. We're happy to be able to have him too on our side.

Along with Des, Ryan and Bob, s16 is investing, the founder community backed by over 100 founders and operators, including Andrey, the CEO of Miro.

We're thrilled to have these amazing humans with us on our journey.

🆕 Opening new roles  

This new investment comes at a moment where we accelerate our growth.

To support this new phase of our growth, we’re looking to hire an engineer and a first Go-To-Market person.

If you want to be part of a team building a product and brand people love, then you should join us.

You can find the offers here: https://bit.ly/WorkatJune

Alternatively if you know someone that would be a great fit, send them our way, we have a $5k referral bonus.

Thanks for your tremendous support so far 💜
talk soon 👋
- Enzo & the June team -

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