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25 Apr 23

Data-Informed Decisions, and Customer Success: Insights from David Apple

In this week's episode, David Apple, an expert in growth strategy with experience at companies like Typeform and Notion, shared his insights on how experimentation, balancing data-driven decisions with intuition, and prioritizing customer success can drive business growth. In this blog post, we'll explore the key takeaways from his discussion.

Balancing Data-Driven Decisions with Intuition:

During the early stages of startups, access to reliable data may be scarce. This challenge prompted David to depend on his intuition when it came to crafting growth strategies for Typeform and Notion. As both companies developed and access to improved data became available, decision-making processes gradually incorporated more data-driven insights.

David stresses the importance of maintaining a balance between data and intuition when making decisions. Data should act as a valuable resource that informs and supports decision-making, while intuition should not be disregarded as a crucial aspect of the process. By achieving this equilibrium, leaders can effectively steer their businesses through the complexities of growth by making well-rounded choices that take into account both quantitative and qualitative information.

This balanced approach allows for a more holistic view of decision-making. It acknowledges not just numerical data but also the unique contexts and subtleties inherent to individual business scenarios. By incorporating both data and intuition into the decision-making process, leaders can make informed choices that drive successful outcomes and foster sustainable growth.

Customer Success and Inspiring Users

David emphasized the crucial role of customer success in driving growth for businesses. When customers achieve their desired outcomes using a product or service, their satisfaction increases, leading to higher retention rates. This positive experience also drives word-of-mouth referrals, which help acquire new customers, and opens up opportunities for upselling to existing users. By prioritizing customer success, companies can create long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with their users, fostering sustainable growth.

In addition to customer success, David discussed the importance of quickly delivering value to users while also inspiring them with the product's vision. Companies need to find the right balance between providing easy-to-use features and showcasing the product's full potential. By doing so, they can help customers overcome learning curves and drive long-term engagement, leading to a larger and more loyal user base.

Typeform's onboarding video serves as an excellent example of this approach. The video successfully showcased the product's capabilities without overwhelming users with technical details or complex instructions. Instead, it focused on providing an engaging and inspiring overview of what the product could do, encouraging users to explore its features and potential applications further.

Leveraging Data for Retention Strategies

David explained how Typeform used data to enhance customer retention. They analyzed user behavior and identified key features and use cases tied to higher retention rates.

For example, Typeform's data team conducted regression analysis. They found that customers using at least three pro-features were more loyal. This insight helped the company understand which features to promote.

Instead of just promoting features, Typeform highlighted relevant use cases for their target personas. This approach provided educational and inspirational content to users early in their journey, increasing user adoption and loyalty.

Another insight revealed that customers with three or more active forms were more likely to stay. Using this information, Typeform developed targeted strategies to promote additional use cases at the right moment. By engaging users when response rates dropped, they introduced new use cases, increasing engagement and retention.

In summary, leveraging data helped Typeform create effective retention strategies. By promoting the right features and use cases at optimal times, they improved user engagement, customer retention, and long-term growth.


David Apple's insights into experimentation, balancing data-driven decisions with intuition, prioritizing customer success, and leveraging data for retention strategies offer valuable lessons for businesses looking to drive growth. By fostering a culture of experimentation, valuing both data and intuition, focusing on customer success, and delivering value and inspiration to users, companies can unlock new opportunities for growth and success.

Follow David on Linkedin and Twitter

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