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Enzo AvigoCEO and Co-founder at June

28 Feb 23

Announcing June 3.0

June has grown a lot since we started.
It’s not anymore just the simple product analytics for startups.
It has evolved into a fully fledged product analytics for B2B SaaS.
That helps you activate and retain accounts as you scale.

Today we’re excited to announce June 3.0 - the new way to do product analytics. This is the result of 2 years of work, and hundreds of feedback.

For B2B SaaS

My cofounder and I worked in the same product team at Intercom.

Back then we  spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on analytics tools. Yet we rarely used them. That’s when we left our jobs and decided to start June.

Analytics tools are complex, cold and intimidating.
From the get go we wanted June to be simple, warm and approachable. The name June came from the first month of summer 🌸

B2B SaaS have specific analytics needs. Yet they are underserved because traditional Product analytics were built for the mobile era. Key actions such as enriching, measuring and keeping track of strategic accounts are broken.

Also the data is limited to the most data-savvy person. In B2B SaaS, everyone needs to access product usage data to make decisions:

👩‍💻  Product teams to build great products
📣  Marketing teams to bring the sign-ups that retain and monetize
💬  Customer success teams to activate and retain accounts
💼 Sales teams to sell to accounts at the right moment

Product analytics becomes accessible to all within the product organization. We call it the new way.

Key features of June 3.0

⚡️ Track the right metrics with zero setup: We studied what and how to track products so you can understand your users like the best companies do.

🏢 Optimized to measure companies: Finally a product analytics tool made for company level metrics.

🔍 Zoom into your metrics: Know the companies behind the numbers. Dive into company profiles instead of random IDs.

🔌 Connect a data source and see your metrics: Easily start sending your data and integrate with the products you and your team already use. View our docs.

🔥 Change

We know switching to a new analytics tool can feel daunting. But if you feel like you don’t use your analytics enough or if you can’t get a view of how companies use your product.

We’re making it super easy to try a different experience. June comes with no-code importers to bring your existing tracking and data from Amplitude or Mixpanel.

Here’s some external validation on why you should give June a try:

  • June won the Golden Kitty awards in 2022 for Data & Analytics
  • June was the fastest growing Segment app in 2022: As reported by Twilio Segment in their 2022 CDP report
  • It has 4.9 out of 5 on G2

To give it a shot head to https://www.june.so

We hope you like it 💜

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