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Tracking user & workspace behaviour

See what users are doing inside your product


Have you started identifying your users?

If you haven't implemented the .identify call, please do that first before implementing the .track method.

See how to identify users & companies →


This guide will teach you how to successfully track how your users are using your product.

Once you've identified them, you can track what they are doing, which features they use, how often and much more. You can use the track method to track events on behalf of your users. Add this code snippet to basic features like "signed up", "logged in" and any additional events that may track the core features of your product.

For June, one of our core features is when a user loads and creates a report. Therefore, we have a "loaded report" and "created report" event.


Replace USER_ID with your own unique identified, ideally the user ID from your database. Passing additional information is possible using the properties object.

In the following example, it's important to call the .identify call before the .group call, because the .group call will attach the current identified user.

window.analytics.track('Signed In', {
browser: 'chrome'


Have you started identifying your workspaces?

If you haven't implemented the .group call, please do that first before implementing the .track method for workspaces.

See how to identify companies →


This guide will teach you how to successfully track how your workspaces are using your product. It's almost identical to tracking user behaviour with the exception of one change.

When triggering track events for a workspace, you should pass the unique ID (GROUP_ID) for the workspace in the context object of the .track method. See the code example below.

Note: If you have already implemented the .track call for users, you can just add the context object with the GROUP_ID. There is no need to add additional .track calls for workspaces.


Replace USER_ID & GROUP_ID with your own unique identified, ideally the user and workspace ID from your database.

In the following example, it's important to call the .identify call before the .group call, because the .group call will attach the current identified user.

window.analytics.track('Signed In', {
browser: 'chrome'
}, {
// Add the GROUP_ID here to track this event on behalf of a workspace
context: { groupId: 'GROUP_ID' }

Ready to jump into June?

Once you've implemented the .identify, .group and .track method and are sending track events, you're ready to jump into June.

Go to June →